So here is my first blog post.Honestly confessing i have never appreciated the very idea of writing blogs or diary.But some past events in my life stirred up my entire notion of happiness, success, love, betrayal, friendship, relationship. Consequently, my mind went into retrospective mode and i decided to record my observations.
To start with : :
1.Happiness->Earlier my perception of happiness was something that is absolute and depends on materialistic things in my life.Talking of materialistic things,one of them for me was getting into IIT. By God's grace i achieved that and came with flying colors after JEE result declared. I still remember each and every thought that came into my mind on that day.I considered that as the happiest moment of my life.But suddenly a random thought came and ruined my entire happiness.The thought of staying away from my parents and home made me realize the reality and hurdles that i was going to face during my next four years.
The point is,why is that whenever we are happy, a random thought comes from the deepest region of our mind(sometimes the one which we have forgotten long ago) and ruin our entire happiness????
Are we human beings, as created by almighty powers, actually meant to be happy???
Are we not supposed to live an Eudaimonian life??
Thus there is nothing like "Ultimate Happiness" which is objectively desired in all forms of human life.It is more of a subjective in nature.Money,power,success,love, all these things give a perfect illusion of happiness(which lasts for a definite time period) but they are not the cause of happiness.These things are mere agents of happiness.Having them does not necessarily imply happiness.
The Real happiness is something which we human beings always craved for centuries and centuries of years.And that pursuit of happiness bought our mankind wars,love,betrayal and also discoveries, inventions ,etc.Nations fought wars as their perception of happiness was something that comes with expansion of boundaries of their nation. Men went into battle for woman they love as their perception of happiness was something that comes with prized possession of an eternal beauty.Similarly, betrayal, discoveries, and inventions were made because at some point of time they were considered as a source of Ultimate Happiness.
Now should we stop searching for Ultimate happiness as there is nothing created or discovered till yet which will give us true or Ultimate happiness???
Although the whole idea seems depressing but we cannot brush aside the fact that all the progress which our mankind has made till now was the by product of this SEARCH FOR HAPPINESS.Considering this it seems crucial for us.
The illusion of happiness which we come across in our daily life is a state of mind(lasting for a particular time period ranging from fraction of seconds to days) which vanishes at the very moment a random thought or disturbance come.But it is this illusion which show us the glimpse of how would "Ultimate Happiness" looks like if it exists.Thus in an attempt to withhold this ephemeral sense of happiness,we search for "Ultimate Happiness".And this search continue until we come across another illusion of happiness which also vanishes after some time and again we search for it.Thus our mind is getting fooled again and again by the illusion of happiness and each time we search for methods to withhold that illusion.Thus in a way we can say that this is this foolishness of our mind that keeps us on tracks of progression.
Thus we need to keep searching for this illusions of happiness that keeps us motivating to progress further in life. [:)]
nice one!! u judged it almost rite~...keep it up!